Game On! to continue with Bible study

Children  four years old through sixth grade have been invited to the First Baptist Church of Moran from 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. each night this week for a hot meal, Bible lessons about God’s team, crafts, and games at the free Game On! Vacation Bible School.

“I am very excited about our VBS this week,” said organizer Jo Hise. “We had 22 kids come the first night. They learned the parable of the Lost Sheep.”

The next two nights included the Bible stories about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, and Thomas seeing Jesus alive after His resurrection.

Commissioners okay AirEvac contract

Shackelford County commissioners approved the annual contract renewal with AirMedCare Network during Monday morning’s regular session, which was followed by a budget workshop.

No action was taken on the budget, with elected officials continuing to work on figures that will be finalized next month.

Air Ambulance

Randy Teague, who represents the air ambulance known locally as AirEvac, reported to commissioners that there would be no increase for the upcoming contract year, which starts Oct. 1.

Albany News

It’s hot! Triple digits soar near record heat

In spite of the recent unusually hot weather, Albany has not broken the recorded maximum temperature on any day this year, although the high of 106 degrees on July 20 tied a previous record, according to the National Weather Service (NWS).

The hotter-than-normal temperatures have caused record energy consumption across the state and outside workers to stay more aware of the need to stay hydrated.

Old Jail summer camps to start Aug. 3

The OJAC offers a variety of free summer classes for students that will be entering the first through 12th grades.

The summer art camps offered this year are Cultural Connections: Italy!, Things on Strings, Teen Workshop: Inspired by Helen Altman, and Re-Create!

The classes are free, but participation numbers are limited and students are entered on a first come, first served basis, so early registration is recommended.


Commodities to be distributed

Pick-up dates for the August distribution of the commodity food program are Aug. 2 and Aug. 3.

On Thursday, Aug. 2, certified eligible families in Moran should pick up their monthly commodity food at the Moran City Hall between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon.

Albany families who are eligible for the August food distribution program can pick up their commodity food Friday, Aug. 3, at the rear door of the JP office (the former county jail) from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. 

Albany News

Commodities to be distributed

Pick-up dates for the August distribution of the commodity food program are Aug. 2 and Aug. 3.

On Thursday, Aug. 2, certified eligible families in Moran should pick up their monthly commodity food at the Moran City Hall between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon.

Albany families who are eligible for the August food distribution program can pick up their commodity food Friday, Aug. 3, at the rear door of the JP office (the former county jail) from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. 

Albany News

Buddy Holly Story to show at Aztec this Saturday

The Buddy Holly Story will be shown at the Aztec Theater this Saturday, July 28, as part of the Aztec Reel Deal movie series for season ticket holders, or for $6 per ticket, including free water and popcorn, for those that prefer to pick and choose which movies to attend.

The 1978 film about the life of rock and roll artist Buddy Holly was based upon a biography of the musician written by John Goldrosen. It won an Academy Award for the musical score. 

Local 4-Hers attend camp

Fourteen youth from Shackelford County went to a Multi-County 4-H Camp at Buffalo Gap on July 12-13, along with local extension agent Michaela Bradford and 4-H members and leaders from Jones, Nolan, Fisher, Coke, and Sterling counties.

Bradford said that she has been to the camp in the past, both as a 4-H member and later as the Jones County 4-H program assistant.

Kiwanians present check to BRBR

On Wednesday, July 18, at their weekly noon meeting at Fort Griffin General Merchandise and Company, members of the Albany Kiwanis Club presented a donation of $1,150 to representatives from the Ben Richey Boys Ranch (BRBR). 

The funds are designated for a specific project and the money will be used to buy materials needed to make kitchen cabinets for 10 of the new houses under construction at the BRBR facility in Abilene.

Texas Midwest celebrates 25th year

Envisioned in 1993, the Texas Midwest Community Network will celebrate its 25th anniversary at the annual conference to be held Oct. 24 at the Abilene Convention Center. 

The Network’s story began as a group of community leaders getting together in July of 1993 to brainstorm about strengths, weaknesses, and needs of the area around Abilene. 

It didn’t take a forecaster or economist to know that when rural communities in the area experienced economic decline, the economy of the urban community was also affected. 

Albany News