Summer conditioning continues

Local junior high and high school students are continuing to take advantage of morning strength and conditioning training at the high school.

The supervised training sessions will be available for three more weeks at 7:00 a.m. on Monday through Thursday, ending Thursday, July 19.

Students have the opportunity to keep in shape over the summer through a variety of weight training, conditioning, and agility drills.

The sessions are open to both males and females regardless of which sports they plan to participate in during the next school year.

Celebration should include safety

By Kathy Thomson

Local emergency responders say any holiday cele-brations involving fireworks need to include safety and common sense, especially considering all of the grass fires that volunteers fought last weekend.

“Use lots of caution,” said Shackelford County Rural Fire Department chief Brad Henry. “With the current conditions, grass is burning well. The firefighters would like to be able to enjoy the fourth with their families, and not have to work battling fires because of someone else’s mistakes.”

Cutworms make early appearance

Shackelford County extension agent Michaela Bradford said that large numbers of mesquite cutworms have been seen recently. 

“It is time to spray for mesquite cutworms in shade trees,” she said.

The cutworms are typically pruning leaves off of mesquite trees in this area in mid to late July, but seem to be out a little earlier this year.

“The mesquite cutworm is actually a caterpillar that turns into a plain colored moth after it runs its cycle,” said Bradford. “The eggs are laid by the moth and the hatched caterpillars feed on mesquite foliage.”

Albany News