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Spots filling up for golf tourneys

Albany News

By Sam Waller

Spots are still available in two upcoming golf tournaments, both of them benefitting local seniors with scholarship awards.

Entry fee for the fourth annual Xi Chi Pi Sorority Scholarship Golf Scramble is $150 per team, which includes a fish fry following the competition. Tee time is 1:00 p.m.

The three-person scramble is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 7 at Albany Golf Course.

In addition to a payout to the top three places, door prizes and raffle prizes will be offered.

To enter, contact Lauren Peacock at 325-762-6253.

Kiwanis Tournament

The 6th annual John Rose and Jim Law Memorial Albany Kiwanis Charity Golf Tournament and Fajita Fiesta, sponsored by the Albany Kiwanis Club, is set for Friday, Oct. 20, also at the Albany course.

There will be morning (8:30 a.m.) and afternoon (12:30 p.m.) flights, with an entry fee for the four-person scramble of $200 per team, including the Fajita Fiesta.

To enter, contact Zach Maberry.