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Local seniors play in FCA games


By Sandy Morris

Eight Albany High School graduates wrapped up their high school athletic careers last weekend during the Big Country  Fellowship of Christian Athlete Festival. 

Parker Henry, Cade Neve, Jackson Chapman, and William Webb sported jerseys for the North team for the 8th annual FCA All-Star baseball game in San Angelo on Friday, June 11 at Donsky Field in San Angelo. 

The South defeated the North by a score of 9-4.

Alli Hill and Torie Fuentes also represented the North in the 9th annual FCA All-Star volleyball game at Wylie High School in Abilene on Saturday morning, June 12.

The South swept the North in straight sets 25-19, 25-17.

Wesley Estridge played for the Blue and Ryder Wilkins played for the Red in the 22st annual Myrle Greathouse All-Star Football Classic at Shotwell Stadium in Abilene on Saturday, June 12. 

The Red team defeated the Blue 17-7.

AHS basketball coach Tate Thompson helped coach the South women’s team June 5 in Brownwood. The South team defeated the North 52-39.

FCA East Representative Paul Johnston, who hosted the FCA Golf tournament at Solid Rock Encampment in Eastland June 6-8, said he received a lot of positive feedback from the Albany athletes.

“I’ve gotten feedback from kids and their parents saying they had a really good time and appreciated the experience,” Johnston said. “All of the kids I’ve talked to said they had a great time.”

Johnston said it is a privilege to be able to honor these senior athletes one last time on the court, on the field, and on the diamond.