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Baseball sign-up to end on Feb. 8

Albany News

By Sandy Morris

Registration continues for Albany Little League teams, including T-ball, Coach Pitch, Little League Majors and Minors, Intermediate, and Junior League, and will end on Monday, Feb. 8.

Students at Nancy Smith Elementary had forms sent home last week, with the deadline to return registration forms by the Feb. 8 deadline.

Junior high students will be able to pick up forms in the school office. Completed paperwork needs to be returned to the school by Feb. 8.

Students ages three to five years old are eligible to sign up for T-ball, while six and seven year olds who do not turn eight by Aug. 31, 2021 can sign up for the Coach Pitch league.

Students who are ages eight through 12 by Aug. 31 can play in the Little League organization with major and minor teams.

Students who turn age 13 prior to Aug. 31 are eligible for the Intermediate League registration, while seventh and eighth graders who turn 14 or 15 by Aug. 31 can play on the Junior League team.

Students who have not previously tried out for the major or minor teams will have to participate in try-outs, although a date has not been set yet.

The season will begin in late March, with the bulk of games played in April and May.

The number of teams in each division will depend on the number of students participating.