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Water rate increase studied

Albany News

By Melinda L. Lucas

Although no action was taken, Albany city council members looked at the possibility of raising water rates by $1 per 1,000 gallons, which will be $2 for the minimum charge per month.

City manager Billy Holson presented a chart that showed the average rates in similarly sized cities across the state. In communities 2,000 or less, the average cost per 5,000 gallons is $45.39, whereas Albany charges $30 per 5,000 gallons.

Sewer rates for cities of 2,000 or less show to be an average of $28.50, compared with $18.25 for Albany.

“I’ve never thought that we need to raise rates just to be closer to what other cities charge, but we can’t treat water and wastewater at the rate we’re charging now,” said Holson. “My job is to take Albany down the road, and in order to make some improvements and take care of the upgrades that the plants are going to need soon, we’re going to have to consider raising rates.”

Holson asked the council members to review the charts and think about what they want to do, and he will present an ordinance with his recommendation at the July meeting.

Blood Meal Company

Albany mayor Susan Montgomery opened the June 14 session by commenting on the “blood meal” company that recently starting operating.

“We know that it affects our citizens, but we have no jurisdiction because it is not in the city limits,” said Montgomery.