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Students to hear program on vaping dangers

Albany News

By Donnie A. Lucas

A group of registered nurses from Lubbock will present a pair of programs next Thursday, Jan. 13 both for secondary school students and the public on the dangers of using illegal and synthetic drugs, including the use of vaping products.

Students in grades 7-12 will participate in the program, which is conducted by the University Medical Center’s Nurses Educating on Illegal Drugs and Synthetics (NEIDS),  at 11:00 a.m. in the high school auditorium.

Parents and the general public, including the surrounding school districts of Moran and Lueders, are invited to hear the group speak at a 5:30 p.m. presentation in the auditorium.

“This is a group of ER nurses who are relating what types of issues they are seeing that result from the use of illegal and synthetic drugs, especially among students,” principal Glen Hill said. “They came to a school where I was principal a few years ago and presented what I think was the best program on drugs and vaping I’ve ever seen.”

Hill said that all county residents are invited to attend, including the Moran and Lueders areas.

The presentation is being funded by Resource Care in Albany.

“Parents need to hear this information,” Hill said. “There are still a lot of misconceptions about vaping. It’s not just a harmless vapor.”

The principal stated that vaping and the drugs that are mixed with it continue to be a big problem for schools and is growing.

The program is expected to last 45 minutes to an hour, and the presenters will be available to answer questions afterwards.