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SHAC thermometers available for $5


By Sandy Morris

The Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) is selling digital thermometers for $5 to parents, students, and the general public. 

SHAC members purchased these thermometers about a year ago as a fundraiser, and along with including them in first aid packets given to the graduating class as a gift, they have been utilized in other ways. 

According to school nurse Lisa Russell, these thermometers were purchased well before the COVID-19 virus outbreak, but they came in handy this past spring. 

“They were offered to staff members who did not own a thermometer,” said Russell. “They were useful when thermometers were difficult to find and we needed staff temperatures checked each day before reporting to campus, as we do now.”

The money raised through SHAC will be used to purchase additional water bottle filling stations, which Russell says have been “priceless during the pandemic.” 

SHAC purchased two of the original water bottle filling stations, and the high school student council purchased another station for use at the AJSH campus. 

The thermometers are available to anyone in the community for $5 each. Individuals will need to contact Russell at the NSES campus at 325-762-3384 to arrange for payment and pickup of the digital thermometer.