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SHAC contest raises $850

Albany News

By Sam Waller

The Albany ISD Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) raised $850 with its field goal contest at last week’s final home football game.

The Student Health Advisory Council is a committee of board appointed AISD employees, parents, and community members to assist the district in ensuring the local community values are reflected in health education instruction.

Last Friday’s contest sold tickets for a chance to kick a 30-yard field goal at halftime of the Albany Lions game against Abilene Texas Leadership Charter Academy on Thursday, Nov. 3 at Robert Nail Memorial Stadium. A successful kick would have earned the contestant half the money raised through ticket sales. A miss left SHAC with the total pot.

“We plan to do a similar fundraiser during basketball season where participants will get the opportunity to make a basket from the 3-point line,” SHAC chair Lynsi Musselman said.

Musselman said council members are still discussing where the raised funds will be applied.

SHAC has made improvements over the years such as providing water refill stations on both school campuses, as well as making recommendations to the school board over health curriculum and other health programs within the district.

State law requires the establishment of a SHAC for every school district. SHACs are required to meet at least four times each year. 

The Albany ISD SHAC met Wednesday, Nov. 9 at Nancy Smith Elementary School. Among items discussed at the meeting were the football fundraiser and a health services update by school nurse Jessica Myers. The update  covered hearing and vision screening for kindergarten, first, third, fifth, and seventh graders as well as spinal screenings for girls age 10 and age 12 and for boys ages 13 or 14.

Also on the agenda was a review of 2020-2021 FitnessGram results and discussion of future program/education opportunities.

Council members include Musselman, Myers, Glen Hill, John Gallagher, Leigh Lowe, Stephanie Gleitz, and Missy Roberson. Community members on the council are Audrey Peterson, Claire Ware, Erica Wheeler, Kalico Leech, Michaela Smith, Tamara Trail, Tiffany Waddell, Deloris Londerholm, Josi Hudson, and Louisa Fikes.