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Sampler received with enthusiasm


By Donnie A. Lucas

Over 250 members and guests ventured to Rey­nolds Bend on the Matthews Ranch last Saturday for the annual Sampler of the Fort Griffin Fandangle, performed by a cast and crew of about 80.

It was the first time that the membership sampler had been held at the ranch in 25 years, giving many of those attending their first look at the idyllic setting of where the “interwoven” story of the Matthews and Reynolds families began some 150 years ago.

“It was great to be able to hold the sampler at Reynolds Bend,” artistic director Lorna Ayers said. “It was the first time for many of the guests and cast members to get to see the actual location where many of the stories we tell took place. Everyone was so appreciative to just be there, and they seemed to really enjoy the show.”

Fandangle office manager Jamie Parsons echoed Ayers’ comments.

“It was so nostalgic for those who remember when the sampler was held there years ago, and it was a treat for everyone who hadn’t been before,” Parsons said. “It was a beautiful night with a spectacular sunset.”

Tickets are currently on sale for the 2022 summer performances June 17-18 and June 24-25.

To purchase tickets, go to the Fandangle website atfortgriffinfandangle.org and click on tickets or call the office at 325-762-3838.

Parsons said that anyone interested in box seats will have to call the office.

“Box seats are only available to members of the association and many of them are already reserved,” she said. “We have to see what is left before we can sell any of the extra seats in that section.”

All seats are reserved, and cost is $15 each. Box seats are $20 each and sold by the box, which vary in size from four to eight seats.

Membership in the association is always welcomed, and ranges in price from $25 to $5,000. Various levels of membership include certain perks such as parking passes for preferred parking and recognition in the Fandangle program.


The first general rehearsal for all cast members following the sampler has been set for Tuesday, May 3 starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Prairie Theater.

“I need to cast the parts for each scene, so it is really important to come to practice,” Ayers said. “We had lots of conflicts with sampler rehearsals, but these first couple of general rehearsals will be important to be cast in a part.”

The first practice for children in the Indian sequence and for square dancers is Sunday, May 8, also at 7:30 p.m.

The Beehive scene and other second half numbers will be rehearsed mostly on Mondays starting May 9.

General rehearsals for all large group numbers are Tuesday and Thursday nights. Currently, no practices are planned on Friday and Saturday nights.

Wednesday practice for teenagers in Huppi Hi or the Train will start at 7:30 p.m. on May 11.