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Running Man planned Oct. 29

Albany News

By Sam Waller

The Feed Store will conduct its annual Running Man event starting at 9:00 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29.

Feed Store director Tisha Wilkins said the event will follow the same format as in past years with teams of runners dropped off at different locations tasked with returning to The Feed Store without being caught by spotters.

“There is a permission form that must be signed by a parent regardless of age,” Wilkins said. “We do respect the wishes of the coaches, and we know varsity and JV athletes cannot participate. I do have other areas I need help with, so if athletes want to help me instead of running, they can reach out to me.”

Wilkins said she is still looking for volunteers to handle several behind-the-scenes tasks.

“I usually have a great show of support from parents,” she said. “Any parents who want to volunteer are welcome to contact me.”

Running Man is open to students from Albany and Moran.

“College students must be Albany alumni to run,” Wilkins said. “We are looking for adult runners to lead groups and run.”

Wilkins said the duration of the event will depend on how fast runners can return to The Feed Store.

“We like to call spotlighters back in by 10:30 p.m.; it just depends,” she said. “We’re normally done by 11:30.”

Wilkins said participants will be served light snacks in addition to hearing from a guest speaker, Jamey Calvary from Abilene.

“He’s a friend of Paul Johnston’s with FCA,” Wilkins said. “He spoke at Saw You at the Pole, and the kids really enjoyed him.”