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Nail Ranch youth team wins title


By Sam Waller

The Nail Ranch team, which included three Albany students, won the overall title at the Working Ranch Cowboys Association’s North Texas Youth Ranch Rodeo on Saturday, Oct. 22 at Decatur.

Locals Cort Peterson, Will LeMay, and Jack Nail were joined by Hoyt Darnell of De Leon in winning two of five events to top the 15-team field.

Teams competed in calf branding, doctoring, trailer loading, sorting, and a wild steer race.

Nail Ranch won the calf branding and sorting events, placed second in trailer loading and finished third in the wild steer race to accumulate enough points to clinch the overall title.

The Hat Creek Ranch team finished second in the team standings with NorthEast Texas Dayhands taking third. Box Ranch and Wills Cattle Co. tied for fourth place.

Peterson, a junior at Albany High School, and LeMay, an AHS sophomore, regularly compete together in team roping in high school rodeo. Nail is an eighth grader at Albany Junior High School.