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Moran ISD to make up missed day on Friday


By Sam Waller

On Friday, April 14, Moran will hold classes as a makeup day after two days of school were cancelled because of bad weather in February.

The second makeup day will be Friday, May 12.

Test Time

Moran ISD will begin conducting state-mandated testing Monday, April 24, continuing through Wednesday, May 10.

“We’re doing some EOCs mixed in with third through eighth grades,” Moran principal Jo Hise said. “We’re trying to make accommodations for track meets and other activities. There are a couple of days when we’re not testing because we have windows that give us flexibility to accommodate other schedules a little easier.”

Easter Activities

Moran students had breakfast with the Easter Bunny last Thursday before classes let out for a three-day weekend.

The younger students also hunted Easter eggs on the football field that day.