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Location of new monument decided


By Melinda L. Lucas

After a short walk around the grounds, Shackelford County commissioners made a decision about where to place a granite monument inscribed with the 10 Commandments during a morning meeting on May 10.

The marker was approved last month after a citizen request and will be privately funded.

A motion by Lanham Martin, approved by all four commissioners, will place the monument on the west side of the Courthouse Square adjacent to Hwy. 283, on the east side of the inner walkway “at an exact point to be determined by the county judge.”

Courthouse Square

The commissioners discussed the state of vegetation on the Courthouse Square, specifically the shrubs along the sidewalk on the west side of the building, which were damaged in the February freeze.

After talking about the possibility of removing them altogether, the elected officials opted to trim them down to about half of their current height, with the concern expressed that pulling them out would damage the concrete.

They will be reassessed at a later date.

Two cactus plants will be removed, along with dead pomegranate trees. Several mesquite trees will be evaluated when commissioners and county employees decide on a workday in upcoming weeks.

Other Business

•A letter of appreciation was given by county judge Robert Skelton to Kloey Painter, who has served as the local AgriLife agent for the past year and a half. She will be leaving at the end of this week.

•A request by a private company for regular use of the public scales was tabled until more information is received.

•The April treasurers report was approved.