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Flu cases on rise as holiday nears

Albany News

By Donnie A. Lucas

While positive cases of COVID-19 are still being recorded at the two local health clinics, a larger number of flu cases have overshadowed those numbers in recent weeks, with the onset of the holiday season raising concerns.

According to the weekly report by county judge Bob Skelton, only three COVID-19 cases out of 12 tests were reported by the clinics for last week, but there were many more cases of the flu.

ResourceCare nurse Holly Martin said they have not had a positive COVID case recently, but there have been a number Flu A positives, along with  an increase in streph cases.

The Shackelford County Health Clinic is reporting 15 cases of flu last week and eight more on Monday..

“We have been seeing high numbers of ­COVID-19 and influenza over the past couple of weeks,” nurse practioner Claire Ware said. “It is important to get tested in order to identify which virus is causing the illness because they are treated with different antiviral medications..”

She noted that isolation precautions also differ for the two viruses.

“Symptom management with over-the-counter medications helps, along with adequate rest and hydration,” she said. “COVID has mimicked flu in many cases with symptoms of fever, chills, and body aches, but others have only mild symptoms including cough and GI upset.”

Both local clinics have plenty of flu vaccines on hand, as well as the new bivalent COVID booster.

Anyone interested in the newer booster, which offers broader protection against two strains of the virus – the original strain and the more recent Omicron strain – should call one the clinics to have their name placed on a vaccination list. Once the vial antivirus for COVID is opened, it must be administered in a short time period, so both clinics are waiting until there are enough people on the list to use up the vaccine when opened.