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Fandangle members to meet Oct. 11

Albany News

By Melinda L. Lucas

The Fandangle Association has set its annual membership meeting for next Tuesday, Oct. 11 at the Studebaker building (Musselman office), located at 324 South 2nd St.

The meeting will start at 5:30 p.m., with five positions on the board of directors up for election and the vote on the 2023 show on the agenda.

Members can re-elect board members whose terms are expiring, or decide to elect new board members. The directors can then elect officers for the coming year.

Members of the board whose three-year terms are ending are Branch Bartee, Bucky Nail, and Henry Musselman, along with Pam Davis, who resigned recently, and Treca Edington, who retired from the board several months ago.

Musselman is the current president of the board, with Branch Bartee as vice president and Gaye Davis as treasurer. Pam Davis has been serving as secretary for the past year.

Other members of the board whose terms are continuing include Lanham Martin, John Ayers, Shelly Bartee, Cody Leech, Dustin Parsons, Lauren Willen, David Waller, Matt Bellah, Steve Riley,  and Bucky Nail.

All members of the Fandangle Association are urged to attend the Oct. 11 meeting.