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Dec. 5 meal to benefit Hail family

Albany News

By Melinda L. Lucas

In addition to looking for people to purchase hamburgers this next Sunday, the Ministerial Alliance is also looking for volunteers from each church to help sack and serve the meals.

The event benefitting the Lee Hail family, will be held at Friendship Baptist Church at noon on Sunday, Dec. 5, with hamburgers, chips, cookie, and a drink available for donations.

Hail, who pastored the United Pentecostal Church, died recently after contracting COVID.

Paul Johnston will prepare the meal, but is requesting help at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday to cut and bag the vegetables.

“That shouldn’t take very long if we have several people,” said Johnston, “and on Sunday, if there are enough volunteers, we will have a table set up outside for drive-through pickup. Otherwise, you can come into the Activity Center to get your meal, and either take it with you or eat there.”

Volunteers can contact Johnston at 325-660-2347 or just show up at noon on Sunday to sack nd serve or at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday to help prep.