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Costumes should be returned quickly


By Kathy Thomson

Fandangle outfits should have already been returned, and Myra Hise asks anyone that still has a Fandangle-owned costume to turn it in as soon as possible so it can be cleaned and put away for the next show.

“I’m washing them and hanging them up, and that’s all I’m doing right now,” Hise said on Monday. “My clothes line is full.”

Myra also dropped off clothes that needed to go to the dry cleaners, but she said that she has not had time to look at all of the tags yet, to see what items are still out.

“If you know you still have some Fandangle-owned costumes, hats, vests, pants, slips, dresses, or anything, please bring them to me or leave them at the Fandangle office when the Depot is open,” Hise said. “And if you have any costumes from previous years, please return them. We won’t embarrass you; we just want them returned so we can use them again.”

Hise added that it saves her a lot of trouble trying to track down pieces if everyone will turn in their items quickly.