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Congregation to ‘step out of camp’

Albany News

By Sam Waller

First United Methodist Church will “step out of camp” Sunday as it holds Family Day at the Stasney Ranch cookshack.

Starting at 10:00 a.m., the day will be one of singing, testimonies, preaching, and fellowship, Rev. Tim Trimble said.

“The whole church family is invited to be out there,” Trimble said. “It’s just a day for us to sort of get out of the camp, which means to get out of the routine and do something different.”

Trimble said the idea comes from the Book of Exodus and fits in with the church’s 40 Days of Prayer event.

“Moses stepped out of camp and went to the tent of meetings,” he said. “We’re stepping out of camp to focus on praying for 40 days ahead of Advent. This is to get us out of the routine so we can sense God’s presence.”