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Budget, tax rate proposed

Albany News

By Melinda L. Lucas

After working through line items for all four divisions of the Shackelford County Hospital District in a special session on Wednesday, Sept. 6, board members ended up with a proposed budget based on the “voter approval” tax rate of 19.55 cents.

A $4,369.224 budget proposal, combining expenditures for the district administration, EMS, health clinic, and pharmacy, was approved on a motion by Mary Beth Jones, seconded by Jason Price. Myra Hise and board president Jo Ann Estridge, who were the only other directors present, were also in favor of the motion.

The proposed number is higher than last year’s adopted budget of $3,993,192, but closer to where expenses are actually projected to end for the 2023 fiscal year, somewhere around $4,039,221.

The proposed budget includes $75,000 for a new ambulance chassis, 5% salary increases for district employees who have not already received recent raises, insurance increases, and cost of drugs.

Revenue for the 2024 year is projected to be $4,218,849, a difference of $150,375.

The 19.55-cent proposed tax rate, which is higher than last year’s rate of 19.24 cents, is calculated to generate $1,230,195 and is the maximum rate allowed without voter approval.

Price made the motion to propose the rate of $.1955/$100, seconded by Hise. All were in favor.

Board members expect to adopt both the proposed budget and the proposed tax rate at a special meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 20 at 5:00 p.m., following the required hearings.