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Blood drive set Oct. 26 at school

Albany News

By Lynsi Musselman

The Albany High School student council will sponsor a Hendrick Regional Blood Center blood drive at the secondary campus on Monday, Oct. 26 from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

The AHS student council plans to sponsor two blood drives this year, one in the fall and one in the spring. 

Students who are 17 and older, or 16 with a parent’s consent, and weighing at least 120 pounds are eligible to donate.

Student council co-sponsors Jenny Scott and Michaela Bradford said the blood drive is not just for students but anyone from the community.

All donors will be given an antibody test, with a notification letter mailed within a week of the drive.

The antibody test is an indicator of an individual’s exposure to COVID-19, not a diagnostic test.

Kelsey Capiro with Hendrick Regional Blood Center explained that donors should be well hydrated and eat a good meal prior to donating, but there is a bigger emphasis for students to prepare their bodies for a successful donation.

“Younger donors especially should eat a good meal for dinner, get a good night’s sleep, and be hydrated with water,” Caprio added. “We discourage caffeine as a way to hydrate.”

The blood bank will provide juice and snacks for donors prior to giving blood and after to help the body re-nourish.

Caprio said the bank relies on school blood drives.

“During the pandemic and school closures in the spring, we realized how much schools helped the blood bank,” Caprio reported. “I hope the students know their donations can have a major impact on someone’s life.”