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Blood drive set at high school

Albany News

By Donnie A. Lucas

A blood drive conducted by the Hendrick Regional Blood Center will be held Tuesday, Dec. 6 at Albany High School.

The event is sponsored by the AHS Student Council as a way to gain donations from students who meet the requirements, as well as the general public.

The drive is scheduled from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Drop-ins by the public are allowed, with students signing up for specific slots on the schedule.

The sign-up sheet is posted outside of the library at the high school.

The council has sponsored the blood drive once each semester for several years, with students eligible to receive red “blood” cords to wear at graduation if they donate twice during their senior year.

Anyone who is 16 or older is eligible to donate, although there is paperwork that must be filled out beforehand.

The blood bank bus will be located in front of the school.

For more information, contact StuCo sponsor Jenny Scott in the library at the high school.

A second blood drive at the school will be held later in the spring semester to provide seniors a second opportunity to donate and earn their cords.