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Blood drive at Albany High open to everyone

Albany News

By Kathy Thomson

The Albany student council will host a blood drive at the secondary campus next Monday, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.

“The blood drive is open to everyone,” said advisor Donnie Lucas. “Community volunteers can call Ann Riley at the high school office to set up an appointment time.

Students had to pre-register by signing up in the high school office and selecting a time spot.

The Hendrick bloodmobile will be set up in front of the gym.

“Seniors can give twice during the year and get a blood cord to wear at graduation,” said Lucas. “Seventeen and 18 year old students can sign up for themselves, and students who are 16 years old can donate if they have a permission paper signed by their parents. Everyone must have driver’s license or photo ID.”

This is the third year the student council has sponsored the event.

According to their Facebook page, Hendrick Regional Blood Center is currently in critical need for all blood types.

Those with questions can call 325-670-2880.