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AISD to install 6 safety doors


By Melinda L. Lucas

A decision of how to utilize a $25,000 school safety grant was the main focus of a meeting that also celebrated Board Appreciation Month for the trustees of the Albany ISD.

At the end of Monday night’s meeting, following the routine closed-session evaluation of AISD superintendent Jonathan Scott, a unanimous motion extended Scott’s contract by one more year to January 2023.

The board postponed any salary increase until later in the year, after there is a clearer idea of state school finances and local funding.

Scott is finishing up his first full year in the AISD superintendent’s office.

New Safety Doors

Scott reported that he had completed the application for a non-competitive school safety grant from TEA and had received input from staff members about how to best utilize the $25,000 award.

Board members discussed suggestions that included bullet-resistant glass or film for the high school windows, security fencing around the elementary school, upgrading the existing security camera systems, and limited/controlled access into school buildings.

Based on quotes that Scott had obtained, most of which were well above $25,000, trustees decided to invest the first year of the School Security and Safety Grant into installing three magnetic door-locking systems at each campus at a cost of about $27,000.

The staff will wear lanyards common in many other districts, and visitors can push a buzzer to be allowed access.

Scott expects the doors to be in place by late February.

New Scholarship

A $50,000 donation to the AISD Foundation was accepted last month, given by the Patty Carlile Estate in honor of her two sons.

Details for awarding the Keith and Steve Carlile Scholarship Fund will be decided at a later date, but the board voted to invest the principal into a First National Bank CD with a two percent interest rate.

Other Business

•The board election was ordered for Saturday, May 2. Terms for Places 1 and 2, currently held by Robert Montgomery and Ginny Ivy, will expire this year.

•In addition to a special meal prepared for the board in observation of School Board Appreciation Month, the trustees were given handmade letters and cards from local first and second graders, along with a large poster signed by all NSES students.