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Adopt-a-Buddy deadline nears

Albany News

By Sidney Bartee

Tuesday, Aug. 3 is the deadline for parents to register their children for the annual Adopt-A-Buddy school supply program sponsored by Resource Care.

Applications are available for pickup at the front desks of the Resource Center and Closet Angels.

Forms should be returned to Resource Care by the end of the workday on Tuesday.

The Adopt-A-Buddy program benefits not just elementary students, but junior high and high school ages can also qualify.

Older students will receive basic paper, spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, and highlighters, while elementary participants will be given crayons and backpacks in addition.

“We try to fill the school supply lists that the school sends out,” organizer Mindy Ary said. “We don’t always make that goal so we encourage everyone who can to donate.”

Local residents are asked to donate new school supplies and backpacks or make monetary donations to benefit the program before Tuesday to leave enough time for organizers to purchase needed supplies before the scheduled distribution day.

Distribution is set for 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 12 and Thursday, Aug. 13.

For more information, call the Resource Center at 325-762-2447.

Contributions can be sent to ATTN Adopt-A-Buddy, PO Box 2435, Albany TX 76430, or they can be dropped off at the Resource Center office, 725 Pate Street in Albany.