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171 area boys attend camp


By Sam Waller

The Big Country Fellowship of Christian Athletes concluded its Weekend of Champions camps with a another record attendance as 171 boys gathered at Eastland’s Solid Rock Camp.

The weekend camp, held Saturday-Sunday, Feb. 11-12, included nine boys from Albany and one from Moran.

“We had quite a few life-changing decisions take place,” local FCA representative Paul Johnston said. “The response from the kids was that the message was very well received.”

The camp, which followed the previous weekend’s girls camp, helped draw nearly 300 boys and girls from eighth through 12th grades. That number was augmented by the dozens of adult volunteers.

While the camps were held separately, Johnston said the message both weekends was essentially the same.

“It’s about how to manoeuver through life and make the right decisions,” he said, “how to do things the right way, how to live a Christlike life, and know where to go when you need help.”

The boys attendance continued the program’s growth, almost doubling last year’s total of 94.

“It’s not only growing on the student end of it, it’s also growing on the adult volunteer end,” Johnston said. “The word has gotten out about what we’re trying to accomplish. In the past, we’ve had to ask for adult volunteers, and we’re now getting to the point where people are asking us if they can be a part of it.”

Johnston said that reflects on how communities throughout the Big Country have accepted the Weekend of Champions concept.

“People are seeing the positive influence these camps are making on these kids.

Johnston said he also receives positive feedback from the campers when out in public, such as at last week’s Anson-Albany basketball games.

“I was just sitting in the foyer watching the game, and kids from Albany and Anson were coming up thanking me for doing this,” he said. “When the kids are seeking you out and thanking you, you know it’s making a difference. They’re seeing the positive repercussions of it.”