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Chamber Family Fest set today


The Albany Chamber of Commerce sponsored “FamilyFest” will be held this evening, March 7 at the Albany Golf Course from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.

Over 100 individuals have called in their RSVPs for the meal and family fun event, according to Chamber manager Mary Beth Jones.

“We’ve had an outstanding response to our fish fry,” Jones said on Tuesday. “We already have over 100 reservations right now. We even have several people coming in from out of town to join our Chamber!”

The event is being held in place of the Chamber banquet.

“This is an appreciation dinner for current Chamber members,” said Jones. “And we are encouraging our current members to invite others, including families, to join in some fun, join the Chamber, and help us make Albany great.”

According to Jones, there will be a bounce house for kids to play in, music, and a closest to the hole contest for the adults.

“All Chamber members are invited and are asked to bring a friend who wants to hear why they should join the Chamber too,” said Jones. “The menu will include fried fish, crawfish if available, chicken, and side dishes. We will be providing water to drink, but you can BYOB if you want something else.”

Chamber memberships are $35 a year for a nonprofit, $50 a year for seniors 65 and older, and $60 for a family. Fees start at $125 for a business, depending on the number of employees.