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Volunteers to help at BRBR orchard

Albany News

Local supporters of Ben Richey Boys Ranch are making plans for a workday to install irrigation equipment for the facility’s orchard.

OrganizerAliciaBurton said the group has decided to plant a fall garden this year instead of the usual spring and summer garden, but volunteers will work on the orchard in the next week or two.

“Our initial goal is to provide fresh produce for the Boys Ranch through the orchard and the garden,” Burton said. “We plant a variety of fruits and vegetables in the garden and also have a variety of fruit trees in the orchard.” Burton said the project is entering its fifth year.

“This year, we’re going to redo the irrigation for the orchard to make it a more long-term, permanent irrigation system that can support the orchard as it grows,” she said.

Burton said volunteers are needed to help install the drip irrigation system for the orchard. Anyone interestedmaycontacther.